Shipping is available within the UK mainland and generally ranges from £40-150 depending on the the item and the delivery location. We use a trusted courier who takes great care in delivering the items and everything comes in protective wrapping. We use Parcleforce for smaller items, charged at £25 per item.
Cooling off - once the item is received you have a 14 day cooling off period. If you do want to return the item, you must initiate the process within the first 2 weeks of receiving the item. Any later than this, the item is non refundable.
We will provide you with the courier details, and it is your responsibility to liaise with them and arrange the return to us - the item must arrive back to us within 14 days of your refund request in its original condition - any later than this and the item won’t be accepted and refund not issued.
It is also your responsibility to cover the cost of the return (approx £40-150 depending on location). If the item arrives back to us damaged in any way (this may have occurred whilst in your possession, or can happen in transit), the full refund will not be issued and you will be responsible to re-collecting the item.
Damaged items - in the rare instance that items are damaged in transit whilst being delivered, or are not as described, please get in contact and we will arrange a refund and collection of the item. We are very thorough in the item description about condition, so any discrepancy about difference in condition or damages caused in transit will be need to be carefully detailed and sent over ASAP within the first 24 hours of receiving the item.
We do not cover any damages caused whilst in your possession, only in transit.